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Summit/Americomp AC-1 Chiropractic System
AmeriCompAn Affordable Choice For Your Chiropractic Practice
AC1 System accomodates up to a 14″ x 17″ (35 cmx43 cm) cassette in either direction, allowing a broad range of procedures.
The Wallstand utilizes a precision bearing system that provides effortless vertical travel of the grid and the cassette tray.Such full vertical travelling wallstands allow examination of standing knee and ankle procedures.
- Spectra 40HF Generator
- Spectra 30HF Generator
- Floor-to-wall or ceiling (specify at time of order)
- 5 foot tracks
- 10″ tubearm
- Angulating port-style tubemount
- Angulation dial and operator handles
- Fully counterbalanced
- Mechanical locks
A120 – TUBE
- 140,000 H.U., 1.0-2.0 mm focal spot, 90 degree horns
A1911 TRAY
- Regular-duty manual tray with cassette blocker
A0010 – CABLES
- 10′ maxi-flex high voltage cables; federal terminations
- Certified, manual collimator with light field
- 17″ x 17″ grid cabinet with front panel travels floor to 76″
- Specify left or right hand load
- Mechanical locks
- Fully counterbalanced
- 103 line 8:1 aluminum grid
- Electric lock for wallstand
- Electric lock for tubestand
- Swivel mount for collimator
- Heavy-duty cassette tray
- 36″ full spine wallstand with grid
- 500mA generator upgrade
- Anatomical Programmed console on 30HF
- 103 LPI, 10:1 grid upgrade
- 178 LPI, 8:1 grid upgrade for digital
- Step-up transformer, 1 phase
- 5-year parts warranty